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till I yanked her out in a hurry. My I was mad, spoiling all my bath water. She loves to play in the bath tub when it is empty & pulls everything into it she can reach & tracks dirt into it and makes trouble for me in so many ways. She is no longer the good meek little thing that touched my heart when she came. I'm glad you are having your gums treated Sidney or rather the teeth under the gums I suppose it is. There are a few dentists who have taken a course preparing them for the removal of what is called cerumimal tarter. Its formed (by the serum of the blood) below the gum line & differs from the salivary tarter that is formed on teeth above the gum line. If you keep that serummial deposit removed you can probably prevent pyorrhea. I've had it removed once & have been again for observation but [[strikethrough]] more [[/strikethrough]] none had formed again though it was a year. He was the man who told E he had a bad case of pyorrhea but I had merely a mild case of gingivitis. My gums feel all right now and I do not think I'll ever lose my teeth. What did your dentist tell you? There is no need of his treating your gums, and no need of doing anything to your teeth to the point unless after removing the deposit