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of original thought. Still I liked Ilga. She is good absolutely. So you've had your trip to the Yosemite. How did you like it? Egbert left this morning for Santa Barbara – drove up and I'm here alone except for Topsy. He telephoned me after he got up there to relieve my mind but the friend at whose ranch he expected to camp out was away and at the time he phoned he did'nt know where he was going to stay. However Montecito is his native stomping ground so I'm not going to worry about him. He had his last teeth (6 of them) out last Friday and I'm glad thats all over. He has been working very hard for the last month at it early & late and has grown very thin down to 146 lbs mostly bone and I hope the change will do him good. If he only has sense enough to take of himself which he of course hs'nt.