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months when we could not even do that. But the sun is getting nearer all the time and we shall soon have some warmish days. Wish you would tell me about that bug you hatched out. I'm interested in bugs but not in plants, or rather the classification of plants. Its as dry as dust to me. I'd like to know something about Lycopodium though. Its growth & peculiarities. Well I do not suppose you and Sidney have much time to write letters but we certainly would like to hear from you often. You will not need any thin clothes for the part of the summer you spend here. Palo Alto has a climate not so very much warmer than San Francisco and the summers there are no different from the winters It is so cold here in Inglewood that we never can sit out doors in the evening. Well, people do on the east side of their houses away from the ocean breeze & with a mink on, but we dont! its more comfortable