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Dear Doris:

I hope you have by now the job that you want most and that all is going well with you. Did you ever receive my check for [[$25/$125?]] for your birthday? Do acknowledge it. I am getting older and it is harder for me to keep track of things. What has bothered me is that you wrote out a check the 25 of June for $150 [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] from the Old Dominion Bank without telling me about it. Once before you did this and there wasn't money enough then there to cover it and I had to pay out over $5 as a fine. Fortunately there was enough this time, so you could withdraw it, [[strikethrough]] feel [[/strikethrough]] but It was there at this time because I am faced with many tax bills soon and am trying to prepare for over $2000 payment of them. In addition I have to pay for the wall that will be built sometime soon out front, and that is going to cost into the thousands. So please, please don't [[strikethrough]] go [[/strikethrough]] do it again. Just write and ask me for the money, so if there isn't enough there I can take it out of the bank. I am thinking of withdrawing the checking account from the Old Dominion [[strikethrough]] [[also?]] [[/strikethrough]] soon anyway.  

We had heavy thunder showers all last evening, so near that I thought something around me was struck. But it [[strikethrough]] clear [[/strikethrough]] cooled us off from the 95° we were suffering and wet down the garden.

I am in the too cold air conditioned buses and Museum most of the day where I have to wear a sweater. It isn't good for one to have such differences in temp.

[[note]] to daughter Doris [[/note]]