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There is also a girl at the same place, 10 or 11 years old subject to spasms, what shall I do with her. I could make no contract for her. I shall visit every part of this County in the course of the summer, and fix up certificates of marriage & have them rendered, as required by a recent act of assembly, upon the subject. They are pretty much at work up here, and a good feeling existing between them and the whites. On reference to a report, recently sent you, in [[strikethrough]] reference [[/strikethrough]] regard to food, you will perceive, there are but few of them compared to the whites, suffering.

There is among the whites the great suffering from the want of bread, and I fear starvation in some cases, well ensue. There are a great many persons who will not be able to tend their crops, from the want of food for their stock, This is only 10 oclock AM & there has been as many as eleven different applications for corn or money, with which to buy it
They all say that they have been out of bread a day or two, & know not where it is to be found. 
I rec'd yours of the 2nd inst stating that all citizen agents, will be paid in future - not acceding $25 per month and requiring them to forward the amt of all for [[?]] at the end of each month &c, this includes, I