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Cabarrus county January the 15 Ben Poras to Mr Miller 
Dear Sir I have seen Mr Willam ander he is unwillan to give up thoes Colord Children he sas that has goten a writtan Bond from Mr Barnit to keep them tell thear ar 21 Sir my peopel is abel to suport thoes and  and wanted them he is unwillen to comply with Col Eadoy order pleas this State this to him.

He sas that he will show me ar anoy the rest of their kind that he will hold them till thar are twenty one years of age.

he sas that to thoes children and to got them good homes but he has not seen to them pleas to tell him thay have bad homs my peopel wants the children surly the govt does not call for children ta be bond out when their peopel is abel to keep them