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To Supt of Bureau R F & A.L.
Salisbury N.Ca.
The petition of Rosey Holt freedwoman, late slave of W. R. Holt of Davidson County, showeth that her grand-daughter Susan, about 15 years old and without father or mother in this State, was bound as a servant to Dr. W. R. Holt about January 1866 by the Bureau at Salisbury and very properly it would appear.
But as Dr. Holt has since become bankrupt and his farm is sold, he has turned said Susan over to the purchaser of the farm, and she is now much neglected and poor almost without clothing. This Transfer of an apprentice to another person is not lawful by the laws of this State. By reason of the bankruptcy of Dr. Holt no remedy on his bond would remain for her protection.
As her next friend I therefore pray that she may be given up into my control, as I can take good care of her & support her well; and that the Indenture of apprenticeship to Holt may be cancelled because he no longer afford her due protection or care as his servant. And your petition will. Your [[?]], &c.
Rosey Holt, per Robbins