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State of North Carolina
County of Indell

Personally appeared before me this day Mariah [[illegible]] (colored) and made oath that she was present at the time of a dispute between Edward (Ned [[?us]] Tomlin and Lou Holmes (Colored) and deposed as follows:
I am the mother of a certain child named Alexander, born out of wedlock (ie. without the ordinary forms and ceremonies of marriage existing in the country previous to the advent of freedom), and of whom Lou Holmes is the father, said boy is about fourteen years old. During last Christmas (Dec. 25th 1866) the said Lou came to my house and claimed the child Alexander (having at all times previous allowed me to support him (Alexander) myself. The boy Alexander was taken by him to his home on the condition that he was to feed him well, clothe him properly, and give him an education. About five weeks ago he (Lou) stripped him (Alexander) and whipped him and otherwise maltreated him, and in consequence thereof, he ran away from his father (Lou), and came back to me, alleging that he was treated very badly, and that he did not get enough to eat. A few days afterwards Lou came to my house and again peremptorily demanded the boy