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Bureau R.F. and A. Lands
Office Supdt Dist West N.C.
August 9 1866 Salisbury N.C

George Litaker (Freedman) applies to the Bureau for the issue of some bread and meat stating that he has no money, but has a crop of about fifteen acres of corn out of which he proposes to pay for the issue as soon as the crop is gathered. Has his wife and two grand Children living with him. Decided to issue him rations until the 1st September on his signing an agree't to pay out of the proceeds of his crop.

John R. Edie
Bvt. Col & Sup't

Salisbury N.C. 8th Aug 1866

I hereby agree to pay to the Supt B.R.F. & A.L. at Salisbury N.C. the Govt price of such rations as may be issued to me between this and the 1st Sept next. Payment to be made as soon as said crop is gathered

George Litaker his x mark

Jas Hayden

Transcription Notes:
agree't = agreement