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Transcription: [00:17:46]

{SPEAKER name="Greg Colfax"}
[[background music]] It's -- You can gain so much by that. As far as teaching others, I've -- it's down to --

{SPEAKER name="Greg Colfax"}
[[background music]] The technicalities of carving are something that you learn, and once you've learned it, it's,

{SPEAKER name="Greg Colfax"}
ah -- and you see others who are dealing with a technical problem that you've gone though --

{SPEAKER name="Greg Colfax"}
I work with a lot of guys that way, and I got to a lot of other carvers to learn techniques also. But yeah.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
[[background music]] Greg, would you talk a little bit about this piece here? Uh, would you hold that up?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
[[background music]] Just to give an example of some of the kinds of things that happening at like Neah Bay, Washington.

{SPEAKER name="Greg Colfax"}
[[background music]] Well, as an example of how carvers on the west coast have -- uh --

{SPEAKER name="Greg Colfax"}
[[background noise]]
how we study is that we look at photos, and these are pretty much our blueprints.

{SPEAKER name="Greg Colfax"}
This comes out of uh -- just out of the Museum of Natural History in New York, and its called a [[??]].

{SPEAKER name="Greg Colfax"}
And the actual story of the piece is of another world, but this is how we study.

{SPEAKER name="Greg Colfax"}
We take pictures like this, and put them up on a wall, and then, this is how it -- some of the work I do.

{SPEAKER name="Greg Colfax"}
There -- I divide this into two ways.

{SPEAKER name="Greg Colfax"}
There is a traditional way of doing these, in which I am hired by a family who has a right to use it, and then the piece comes alive when it used.

{SPEAKER name="Greg Colfax"}
This piece is for art collectors, it is for the wall. And my mind started, in the beginning, that that was what it was for.

{SPEAKER name="Greg Colfax"}
So in a sense, its not alive. I look forward to the times when I am hired to make pieces for the potlatch,

{SPEAKER name="Greg Colfax"}
[[background music]] and when that happens, it's a great honor. But I separate in my mind how I start a piece.

{SPEAKER name="Greg Colfax"}
I think that is awfully important when dealing with masks, and you're in the company of other people from other villages, and other tribes who

Transcription Notes:
The object from the museum in NY sounds like it is spelled "pookness", but nothing shows up about it in researching.