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Transcription: [00:26:46]
Hoh boy! I never thought I get stuck with this one. [[laughter]]



{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
'Lilting' as its called - is also called 'diddling' in Ireland, but we don't use that expression over here 'cause we get misunderstood sometimes. [[laughter]]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Any more questions?


{SPEAKER name="Unknown Speaker"}
What about women playing instruments? Sort of speak, obviously, Joanie, you're-

{SPEAKER name="Joanie Madden"}
I think now, uh, with the kids coming up, there's more girls playing than guys. We just -- um, Mick noticed the change that, and how

more females are moving into the scene, and uh, becoming better, well, better musicians - [[laughter]] - I better watch what I'm saying, I'm kind of outnumbered here. But uh, [[laughter]] oh God--

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"} She's going to be in trouble now after this.

{SPEAKER name="Joanie Madden"} We, like, there's been a big movement of the girl -- it was always like, in the olden days back in Ireland, I guess, there'd be, 'cause most of the music would take place in pubs and

a girl went in there, you know, there was something wrong with her, and she would kind of be, I guess, excommunicated or whatever. It wasn't right for women to be playing.

But now since times have been changing, and you know, all the feminists, movements, and all that stuff, we're big shots now,

so, we started to play the music and there's a lot of us now, and we just, we just ran a concert series in New York, bringing women together from all across the country and they were great.

It was great music, there wasn't one man allowed in the place, you know? [[laughter]]

And it was really good music, I was surprised. [[laughter]] But, um - it's been a big movement for it and, now it's going strong.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"} Well, from that unbiased perspective you can see that women, uh, are now playing a very prominent role in Irish music, and particularly in New York City, I would say about 70 percent of the new players are probably woman.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"} Any more questions?

Transcription Notes:
Confirm the tattling section while he is singing is coded correctly. Lilting, yes.