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Transcription: [00:13:13]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
And they used to have quarter horse races down there and of course obviously New Mexico they have the famous race down in"

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
"Yeah right. What's the difference between a quarter horse and a thoroughbred versus[[?]] how they're bred.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 3"}
"Well uh the quarter horse I think the name quarter horse kinda explains a little bit, they're a horse that's yeah they're bred they're heavy muscled horse, and they've got a real fast burst of speed for a short distance.

They couldn't run run with a thoroughbred on long distance but they are extremely fast I think they're considered probably faster than a cheetah which is supposed to be fastest animal in the world for a short distance and that's because of the powerful muscles.

If you look at a good quarter horse's hind leg he's just got muscles bigger than Charles Atlas, it's just phenomenal really the way they're muscled up.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
They can run a quarter in like 20 seconds or something like that"

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 3"}
"Yeah, really fast"

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
"Another question? Yes, over here"

[[inaudible question]]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
"How long does it take to break a horse?"

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
"That can vary, you know, if individual and all."

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 5"}
"When you talk about breaking a horse, a lot of people say well that horse broke, he been rode two or three times you can ride him up and down the road.

To me, when you break a horse, you got to learn him some just like sending a kid to school.

You know, god dang it, I say it takes a good year anyway and sometime longer to make a good horse like a rope horse or cow horse or something. If you just want one that some kid can ride around a while, heck I've seen that happen in 3 or 4 days or so they take them riding. And maybe you get another one that wouldn't take you quite a while. I seen a guy handle a horse one time that had been spoiled. And in a week's time after he took a hold of that horse, he had the feller's that owned the horse wife riding him around nothing to it."
