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National Freedman's Relief Association,
Rooms, 76 John Street, New York.

Francis George Shaw, President.
Rev. W. G. Hawkins, Cor. Sec. & Sec. Teachers' Committee.
E.C. Estes, Sec. of Executive committee & Business Agent.
Rev. James J. Woolsey, Sec. of Finance Committee, to whom letters in respect to Agents should be addressed.

Boxes of Clothing should be marked N.F.R.A., 76 John Street, New York. Mark, also, on each box or barrel, the name of the place whence it is sent, and the name of the person sending it. Send a List of its contents in each package, and a copy of the same, by mail, to E.C. Estes, Business Agent.
Money should be sent, in Bank Checks or Drafts, payable to Joseph H. Collins, Treasurer, 40 Wall Street, New York; and all Letters relating to the business of the Association, should be addressed to the appropriate Officers in their official capacity; while private letters should be endorsed "Personal."

New York
July 14, 1865

Col. O. Brown
Assistant Commissioner
Richmond Va.

Dear Sir:

I regret exceedingly my inability to stop at Richmond on my way from North Carolina. But business here urged my return. Mr. Shaw has been in conference, as also other members of the different associations with Gen Howard on the subject of general Superintendents of Education. His official order on the subject has just been received. Our executive committee request me to communicate the following — "Ordered that this committee does not consider it expedient to pay the salaries of the General Superintendents of Education appointed by the Assistant Commissioners of the Freedmens Bureau." Being relieved from this expense we shall be enabled to send you more teachers & not so many officials. As to the field & its division we as quite willing that you should have 

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Wm. Geo. Hawkins
New York July 14 '65
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