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them that he need not come again, and the school material which he left here in June is to be returned to him.
The school of Penn'as Rel. Assn. has admitted about one hundred children during the month but by sickness, want of clothing, and the opening of tobacco factories, the average attendance has been kept down as low as three hundred. During the last three weeks of the month there have been only three teachers in the school one having been sent to Farmville. 
Another has now come to fill the place. During the month eight pupils have passed from the Second Reader to the Third, thirteen from the First to the Second and twenty eight from the Primer to the First Reader, making forty nine who have passed to higher books during the month. The discipline and moral tone of the school have more than equal the progress in the books Desks on which to write are very much needed. 
At least one hundred pupils could write every day if desks were provided. 
Seats are also needed. Many of the children now six on the floor for want of seats.
With the satisfaction of reporting that, at present, the school is doing better than ever before & respectfully submit this for your approval. 
Yours most truly
L.L. Seiler

Capt. Stuart Barnes, 