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Petersburg: Oct. 29 1865

R. M. Manly
My Dear Sir,
Yours of the 27th inst. was received last night. I returned from Norfolk with my family yesterday.
To-day I have been to "Poplar Grove" Mr. Coleman and several teachers from this place accompanied me. I spent half a day there in prospecting with Mr. Coleman and believe that there is a grand field for labor. I shall at once direct my attention to that point. The accommodations are going to be ample
There are now about one hundred pupils more or less - and by Tuesday a room will be prepared for them. which will answer our purpose till the church is fitted up. I think in a few weeks we can have one male, and two female teachers operating successfully at that place. I have not seen so good a field anywhere as that. In all probability before Spring. there will be several hundred children to clothe and school. Mr. Coleman and myself will bring about the right state of things there as soon as may be.