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New England Branch Freedmen's and Union Commission.
No. 8 Studio Building,
Boston, July 16th 1866.

Rev. R.M. Manly
Richmond, Va.

My Dear Sir.
Yours of 12th is before me. Glad to know you are in the "Bakery". And I presume we shall be in too great haste to supply your place. We very much need some one to act as our Agent to procure lumber from the "barracks" and, in the course of the surrender, to fit up our school room. Could you, and will you attend to it for us. We shall be very glad to secure a modicum of your time and energy as I know you are full of business, but as there is no danger of sunstroke in your climate I thought you might perhaps undertake something more. Thank favorably of the matter will you, and write me at once.

Cordially yrs.
J.H. Chapin