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Warrenton, Va. Nov. 12th, 1866 

R. M. Manly:

Dear Sir, 

In my report to you of last month, I made some remarks prejudicial to the official character of Lieut. Chase.
Those remarks were based on statements made by Miss Wood, teacher of Freedmen's schools at this place. 

Those statements I have ascertained to be false in this much. Chase did not refuse to go, occasionally, to the school room as an escort for the ladies, but his official duties will not admit of his doing so habitually, but offered to go when his other duties would admit of it.
The statement that he did "not mean to do any more than his duty" also from the same source--I believe to be false.

This much I owe to truth and I trust I 

Transcription Notes:
Unsure if the end of this note was cut off or if that ending sentence is a sign off.