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Parkersburg West Va.
Dec. 24th 1866
Rev. Chaplain Manly
Richmond Va.

Sir, you will excuse my apparent boldness when you are apprized of the fact that I have been instructed to address you by Lt. Col. H. Neide who called here the 19 ult. inspecting colored schools. I am teaching the only colored school in this city present, Have been here little better than a year. There are 80 regular scholars in attendance & more that might go. Have but one A.B.C. Darian. The School board on the part of the State are paying me $30.00 per month. Have requested an assistant from the Board, but they complain they have no money. Mr Neide spoke of the Bureau interceding with some of the benevolent societies to furnish teachers & thought probable we might get such assistance. Mr Neide spoke also about an appropriation having been made to the Bureau of Va. for building and repairing school houses. We have a good building but it needs repair, and the colored people have not the means. They haven't the lot paid for yet