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that the building occupies. It would require $500.00 or 600.00 probably to do it. 

Should be pleased to have you call t his way and see us & examine the thing. Mr. Neide spoke of my reporting the condition of the school to the Bu. said they had blanks for that purpose so if you please send blanks I will comply. Am prepared to do so having kept a daily class book of attendance, attention to study & Deportment. 

I will just state that I came here first by the direction of the Central Ohio Con. Wesleyan Methodist Connection of America to preach to the people, have been supported in part by said Com.  Said Schoolhouse have paid me $20.00 per month for five months & the contract continues 3 months yet. That is all I receive for my services as teacher. Pay $6.00 per week boards.

Please ans. soon

I am most Respectfully your
Obedient Servant
S.E. Colburn
Add. as above. 

[[margin]]Parkersburg. W. Va.
Dec. 27. 1866
Rev. S.E. Colburn [[/margin]]