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Painting, pillars at least underneath, at present only posts, seating throughout, and sides plastered, ceiled above. 

Probable cost. of material

[[2 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- |
| It will take about 17000 Shingles $7.00 p. | $119.00 |
| Weather boards about 6000ft. 30 per [[dressed?]] | $180.00 | 
Cornice & freeze about 650ft [[dressed?]]. | 19.00 |
| Paint | 30.00 |
| Pillars, basement | 75.00 |
| Plastering sides | 75.00 | 
Additional lumber for seats | 45.00 |
| Nails | 50.00 |
| Amount. | 593.00 | 

The above includes what ought to be done, but if you Judge it asking to much, don't conclude to nothing, for the roof, pillars, and seating are necessary.

I can't tell what the work will cost, probably $250.00 and the articles I have mentioned may be cheaper in the spring & it will not be advisable to undertake before. 

3d We need one additional teacher, have 89 pupils on the list. We have room enough to accomodate all. 

Respectfully Yours
SE Colburn