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Wellville Nottoway Co Va
Jany 14, 1867
R.M. Manly Esqr
Supt Education
Dr Sir,
Yours of 11th inst is just recd. The proposition to have the day school taught by a colored man. one of my Sunday & Night students created so much dissatisfaction among the parents that I found it necessary to abandon the idea.
My wife proposes to teach the day school as many adult females wish her to teach them, (she was raised with or near there) and I have consented for her to do so, and have appointed next Monday as the opening of the Day-school. I shall aid her in arranging the classes and if necessary, devote all my time to that school. If I find that she with the aid of a colored girl who has been a student in Petersburg, can conduct the school I may possibly open the white school, as some of my old patrons express a desire that I shall; yet I just now am a little unpopular among my neighbors, for they say "they think the colored school will ruin the country." Other neighborhoods, (in one Rev T.W. Sydnor (Baptist)) seen disposed to encourage the Freedpeople about them in their desire for education by promising to teach them at the farm houses at night but it looks to me as a policy adopted to partially satisfy their laborers and keep them in their employment, instead of going away, or coming near here to get the benefit of school. I can properly claim to be the first practical agent in the cause of Education of the colored people in this vicinity, and freely say that I do not expect to make any money out of it, but, tell the people that I must look to them to aid me some that I may

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