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CRAMMOND KENNEDY, - Corresponding Sec'y.
JOSEPH B. COLLINS, - - - Treasurer.
E. C. ESTES - - - - Business Agent, 

FRANCIS GEORGE SHAW, - - President. 

HENRY A. DIKE, - Chairman Executive Com. 
GEORGE C. WARD, - Chairman Finance Com.
J. M. McKIM, - - Chairman Teacher's Com.

No. 76 John Street.

New York, Jany. 18th. 1867

Rev. R. M. Manly
Supt. &c:;
Richmond Va.,

Dear Sir:- I am obliged to you for the information which you have supplied concerning City Point. Miss Lucy Eastman is under appointment for Christiansburgh. We may be able to send one teacher to the opening near Petersburgh.

Please put Miss Rowell in charge of Miss Baker's school, unless you have a better place. I am very sorry that Miss Baker goes home on such an errand. She is a noble girl. What about the Normal School? I hope there will be no delay in putting up the building. 

Cordially Yrs.
Crammond Kennedy
Cor. Sec.