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CRAMMOND KENNEDY, . Corresponding Sec'y. }
JOSEPH B. COLLINS, ... Treasurer }
E.C. ESTES, .... Business Agent } 
FRANCIS GEORGE SHAW, . . President. 
{ HENRY A. DIKE, . Chairman Executive Com. 
{ GEORGE C. WARD, . Chairman Finance Com. 
{ J.M. McKim . . Chairman Teacher's Com.

No. 76 John Street

New York, Jany. 21st 1867

Rev. R.M. Manly, 
Supt. &c., Richmond Va., 
Dear Sir:- In answer to your favor of the 16th inst., allow me to suggest that, as the Auxiliary societies which support teachers are very anxious that they shall have a full complement of pupils, and as this Association cannot incur liabilities on account of unsupported teachers, Miss Rowell be put in charge of Miss Barker's school. The average attendance which the former reports is less than twenty, and she is teaching outside of our building. In justice to her I should say, although perhaps it is unnecessary, that I suggested this course before I heard from either of you on the subject. We are glad that Miss Manly was as willing as she was able to fill Miss Baker's place in the absence of that lady.
Mr & Mrs Park who have been delayed by sickness, leave for Abingdon to=morrow at 7 P.M. 
With Kindest regards, 
Yours Respy. 
Crammond Kenndy
Cor. Sec.