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Office of Ast Supt Sub Dist of Lynchburgh Va
Jany 29th 1867

R. M. Manley Esq -
Supt. of Education
Your favor of the 28th inst at hand. Contents noticed. There was no report made of the school at Livingston in Decr, from the fact that there was none. To your questions, I have the honor to respond as follows viz: 
1st  It is a private school.  A cold. woman teaching. 
2d, Owing to the severity of the weather where I have heard from there, there were but 6 day scholars, 15 night. It is expected there will be at least 40 - the coming summer.
3d The Colored people have a lease gratis for three years. It is perfectly immaterial to me whether the appropriation is made or not. If it is not, the Cold. people have the