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Bureau R.F and A. Lands
Lexington Va Jan 30th 1867

Rev'd R.M. Manly Supt Education F.B.

Your communication of the 11th inst in reference to the purchase of the school house now occupied by the Freedmans schools of this place was received some days ago, but, on account of my absence in [[Beck?]] and Alleghany Counties, I have not [[?]] been able to answer it.

I have carried out Genl Browns direction by calling on Mr. Dole - the agent of the lady who owns the building - and offering him $1300 for the cause - but he declined the offer saying that he had made an agreement for the purchase of each house by the Revd. M. Brackett of Staunton at $1500 in payments - each payment bearing interest.

I have heard that M. Brackett buys the house for to be used as a Freedmans school house and, from the prices people here are asking for property and from these circumstances, I do not think a better bargain could have been made - At all events it secures us a school house without stopping the school session - a misfortune which I apprehended

Very Resoy
Your Obt. Servt.
J.W. Sharp
Capt & Asst Supt F.B.