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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Petersburg, Va.  February 1 1864.
Rev. R. M. Manly
Supt. Education Bu R. F &
Richmond Va.
In reply to your inquiry as to the names of the teachers of the Srov. Epis. Schools in this city. I have the honor to report as follows. 

Miss Amanda Aikin, Principal, White
Miss Sara L. Coombe, Teacher, White
Miss Margaret S. Kline, Teacher, White
Mrs. Caroline Bragg, Teacher, Colored
Mr. Emmett Cate, Teacher, Colored
You will find them on my Supplement to to School Report for December, under head of School No 1.
Very Respect'y
You Obv Svt
J. R. Stone
Br Major and Superintendent
Bureau R. F & A L