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CRAMMOND KENNEDY, - Corresponding Sec'y.
JOSEPH B. COLLINS, - - - Treasurer.
E. C. ESTES - - - - Business Agent, 

FRANCIS GEORGE SHAW, - - President. 

HENRY A. DIKE, - Chairman Executive Com. 
GEORGE C. WARD, - Chairman Finance Com.
J. M. McKIM, - - Chairman Teacher's Com.

No. 76 John Street.

New York, Feby. 19th. 1867

Dear Mr Manly:- I take up yr. favor regarding our friend immediately after I read it. You may expect a thoroughly competent teacher in the course of a week or two. Can you put us in the way of securing from one to half of a dozen competent colored teachers? Mr. Stockwell said he knew of some. I shall be in Richmond, D.V., Some time in March.

Cordially Yrs.
Crammond Kennedy
Cor. Sec.