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as much and the same as is given to any other commission or society. We have no difficulty in North Carolina, and I hope we shall have none in Va. I am sure from your letter and your reputation you will welcome and sustain us.

Miss Smith informed me sometime since that the Bureau would pay the rent of her school rooms in Norfolk. She engaged them, without our authority, upon that expectation. I know not what her reasons were for such an expectation. I have sent her $34, for the month of January, and the Committee direct me to ask from you an allowance of this sum, and to request that you will relieve us for the future from the obligation. I send you the names of the Committee. As you will perceive, they are all gentlemen of the highest standing and respectability. Gen Howard has promised them that he will see all rents paid, but I prefer to apply to you first, as I know the General is very much pressed. Pray do for us what you can, and whatever you are doing for others.

Yours faithfully,
J. Brinton Smith