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Head Quarters Department of the Potomac,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Richmond, Va, 25th February 1867.

Chaplain R.M. Manley
Supt. of Schools.

I am directed by the Asst. Com'r to call your attention to the following extract from the report of Bv: Brig: Gen'l F.D. Sewall, Act. Inspector General, dated Washington, D.C. Feby 20th 1867, and to requests that you report relative to the condition of the Schools at Hampton. Viz:-
"The schools at Norfolk and Yorktown are in a flourishing condition; but those at Hampton do not compare favorably with those I have visited in other states. There did not seem to be such a degree of interest manifested as is desirable. The evening school has in attendance only as I was informed, of about sixty pupils. out of the exceedingly large population in and around Hampton,-"
I am Sir
yours Respectfully
O. Brown A.A.A.G.