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Bureau of R. F. & A. L.
Hd. Qurs. Asst. Supt. 8th Dist. Va.
Christiansburg Mont'y Co. Va.
March 28th 1867
Rev. R. M. Manley
Supt. Education Va.

Dear Sir-
I have the honor to inform you in answer to your communication of the 26th inst. that School Reports on forms No "4" filled up and signed by Miss Lucy Eastman of School No 1 at Christiansburg Monty' Co, and Mr Richard Watkins, teacher of School No 2 at Newbern Pulaski Co. Va. were transmitted to District Hd. Quarters, on the 28th day of February 1867, in pursuance to instructions received a few days previous to that date. 
In reference to the appropriation asked for, to defray expenses of repairing School House at Newbern, Pulaski Co. permit me to suggest, that several items be struck off of the estimate at present - for instance