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Fri Oct 23 Same place I set 17 traps last night & this morning had 1 wild cat 1 skunk & 1 coon. I also caught another wildcat today.

Sat Oct 24 Still in same place. I set 18 traps last night & got only 1 coon set 6 traps for rats tonight. Skinned two coons today with head entire for the first time also made stew of coons & it is fine.

Sun Oct 25 Left San Amidio [[Emidio]] canon about noon traveled to the lake (Buena Vista) & camped at a french sheepman's place got several quail chipmunks & 2 horned toads

Mon Oct 26 Left the lake this morning about 8:30 AM. Traveled [about] 35 miles & camped at Templor ranch. Got several quails 1 cottontail. I also got 1 cottontail.

Tue Oct 27 Remained in same place today I went out  this morning 

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