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ing up the canon for chipmunks & got 8 quail & 1 cottontail. Got 6 of the quails at one shot Mr. Nelson went out in the evening & got 1 cottontail(common)
Wed Oct 28 Broke camp between 7 & 8 a.m. & gallop up the hill above Templor which is a pretty tough one traveled about 25 mi & struck the San Juan river & camped just west. killed a cottontail on the road & 2 blackbirds soon after camping.
I set 7 traps this evening 6 for rats & 1 for a gopher & got the foot of a [[rat?]]
Thurs Oct 29 Broke camp about 7:30 & traveled to Pozi a distance of about 20 miles. Came over 2 divides but not very steep ones.
Fri Oct 30 Remained in camp today.  I killed 4 squirrels this morning & skinned part of them this afternoon. Mr. N set a number of traps this evening for rats & mice.