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Sat Oct 31 Mr. N caught a number of rats & mice last night & shot 1 cottontail this morning.  I made a trip to Poso this morning & finished my squirrels.  Set 6 traps for gophers & 3 for a skunk this evening.
Sun Nov 1 Got 1 gopher out of 6 traps & a house cat out of my skunk traps.  Set 6 more for gophers this morning.  Reset my skunk traps this evening.
Mon Nov 2 Did not get any gophers but got [[?]] skunk. Mr. N got 1 mouse. Broke camp about 9 A.M. & traveled to Santa Margaret & camped near by. Got rid of most of our specimens here.
Nov 3 Tue Mr. Nelson had a lot of specimens to up & we broke camp about noon. Crossed a divide and went into San Luis Obispo about 8 P.M. a distance of 11 miles. N stopped this evening about 1/2 mile from town or ranch owned by a man named Long who has [[?]].