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Spent 13, 14, 14, 16 17 in Santa Barbara Left there 18, tried to go over to the islands [to] but failed. Reached Casetis [[Casitas]] Pass the 20 stayed there till the 23 Got 2 foxes 3 skunks & some mice & I shot 2 squirrels. Struck Nordhoff & camped about 3 miles from it on the Ventura River. Stayed there till the 26 Got 1 Lynx 1 fox 6 cottontails & rats & mice. Struck Santa Clara valley at Santa Paula & camped about 1/2 mile out of town.  Left camp at Santa Paula & moved to Hardison's ranch in the hills about 5 mi from Santa Paula Jan 2 (Sat) At Santa Paula got 1 skunk 5 or 6 rabbits 1 gopher & rats & mice. Jan 4 got 1 big & 1 little skunk & some mice at Hardisons.  Left there today. Also left the outfit. Took the train bound north at 6:20P.M. Mr N. went to S.F. & I to Alila arriving there Jan 6th. Jan 8th went to Fresno returned to Alila Jan 9. Sent 2 specimens. of