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the rim are arranged an endless chain of earthen bottles. Across the top of the upper is lashed a wooden lever to which a mule is hitched turning it round & round like a horse power which it is in fact. The bottles fill at each revolution & empty themselves into a trough. Ahualulco is a small town the best accomodations it affords are a rough unplastered mud room with mud floor & a sort of bench 4x6 ft. for a bed. My grub here is for breakfast coffee, eggs, bred & beans, dinner broth, macaroni, eggs, meat coffee & tortillas, supper, tortillas & beans. In tramping around this forenoon I found in a rocky arroyo near some water a narrow leafed kind of clover in blossom. Two colors white & red. The higher part of the country is composed of low hills whose sides in many places are steep cliffs.

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