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Shrike, raven, sage, sparrow, hummer & 1 thrush.

We also got in the hills horned toads & several lizards beside one mentioned.

Sept 7th a good rain fell at Jesus Maria & especially in adjacent Mts - but was very light at San Luis about 30 mi north.

Jesus Maria Sept 11
I have taken to [[?]]-here 9 small jumpers with 1 additional skull 5 Dipodomys 1 Heteromys 3 Spermophiles (Spilosoma) with 2 additional skulls.

I sent all skins on hand unstuffed to Mr. N in San Luis by train this morning. 

Shot yesterday a group of gray sparrow & a small sparrow with rufous top of head. 

A heavy rain has fallen here today. It has been threatening for several days.

Jesus Maria Sept 13
It has been raining almost continuously since first shower rained last night & the sky is still overcast today. I have taken nothing since