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by the people is rather common around grain of maguey fields. 
Putorius:- Rather common in the "pedregal."
Mus. Two specimens were brought in by a native common enough in the houses everywhere
Dec 15 we moved camp to Ayusca just under the tall peak of the same name. The alt. of the peak is 13.621 ft. that of the village about 9500. Here we remained 4 days during which time I made trips to the main mt. principally. A large share of the country here about is covered with beds of volcanic sand & lava beds.
Vegetation:- Leaving Tlalpam [[Tlalpan]] & beginning the ascent we passed through scattered cypress? timber & higher up juniper, oak, & pine.
Animal life seemed to be very scarce a few warblers, snowbirds,& sparrows were seen & a trogon shot by Mr Nelson.

Mammals - Ajusco
Sciurus. Same locality - ( Mt. Slopes)
as those taken from Tlalpam [[Tlalpan]].
Sitomys:- A Least 2 species are common A large long -Tailed one from high up on the volcano & a smaller yellow one from lower down both live  around rocks. Reithrodontomys:- Several were taken high up on the volcano. around some large rocks.Geomys. Same as that taken at Tlalpam [[Tlalpan]] but less common.

Transcription Notes:
REOPENED. Took out [[right page]] Fixed [[?]]; put together a word that was hyphenated, fixed incorrect words.