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Neotoma: Common around rocks & cliffs on north & east of slopes of volcano. It is a large kind. 
Oryzomys: Common along with the larger kind of Sitomys.
Lepus: At least 2 species are found hereabout. Are very small similar to that taken on the high hills at Patcuaro. Mich. The other very large & the same or similar to the one from place just mentioned.
Arvicola: Common in favored places. The country generally appears to be too dry for them. The few specimens taken were from near the top of ridge just east of main peak (about bunches of saccatone) & from a damp weedy spot in a caƱon on the north slope of volcano.
Sorex:- A single specimen was trapped from same spot as Arvicolas from north slope of volcano.
Procyon. Very common everywhere about the village & high up on the volcano.
Skunk tracks were seen but none obtained. The ground was rooted up in many places presumably by them. 
Trees. Apparently 2 kinds of pine are found on the top of ridge not found lower down. The kind having a long pointed cone is foun[[d]] nearly to summit of the volcano.
We returned to this place (Tlalpan)

Transcription Notes:
REOPENED!! Reviewer missed many mistakes, and didn't complete the 5 [[?]] on the page. One entry for an animal was not transcribed. Put that in.