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jumping rats. Found no sure signs of them this afternoon. Think Huehuetoca is probably better suited to them but they ought to be found here the country is in some respects like that north of San Luis Potosi where I found jumping rats. The vegetation & some of the birds are the same. I shot an Otocoris this evening.

Mar 8 Tula.
My traps did not yield 

much on 2 Sitomys repaid the trouble of setting them. These were from the high hill west of town. A caƱon comes out of the hills there; it has limestone cliffs on either side Oaks grow on the hill Sitomys are very common hereabout they live among the rocks & eat the acorns from the oak. Shot about a dozen birds today. Set traps this afternoon.

Mar 9 Went to transfer

Transcription Notes:
Otocoris - Horned lark.