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8 o'clock across north of town to some old ruins. got back about 11 o'clock. Shot 2 large woodpeckers, a vermillion flyeater, a small wren & a savanna sparrow, I shot a spizella atrigularis this morning. worked on specimens until about 2 oclock when hearing that there was a case of typhoid fever in the house I immediately packed up and moved from Hotel Hidalgo to the house of a woman living near by. Besides the Hotel just named there is one other in town built in '91


Hotel Moctezuma and a restaurant at the station. About the same plants in general grow here as near San Luis Potosi. Left out my gopher traps & set about 40 mouse traps.

Sun Mar 12. Went out very early to traps this morning set 4 more gopher traps & took up two caught. one gopher it is a very red Geomys entirely different from any taken before I think. My mouse traps yielded 5 of the longtailed Sitomys already