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Every village has a day each week usually Sat. or Sun. A fine species of ash grows here, they have been planted along streets & in yards & a fine row borders the road to Pachuca as far as the bridge across the stream near town, the foliage is very dense & of a vivid green. The main trunk runs up to a height of 12 or 15 ft. from the ground and is then lost in the branches which shoot up & form an umbrella like top.
I set some more gopher traps today and will have out


no others this evening as we will probably leave tomorrow for Pachuca.
Tula was the famous capital of the Toltec empire. They called it Tollan from Tollin = a reed on the "Cerro de Tison" near town are ruins of the ancient city. As I have before stated it was here that the use of pulque was discovered. Zochith the daughter of a king induces prince to fall in love with & marry her. The town now contains about 6000 people. It is situated on the Moctezuma