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14    Pachuca.

here it is limestone & porphyry.
As we entered town the dumps of many mines appeared on the hills about town. I have set out about 35 mouse traps on the "Cerro de Guadalupe". Leaving the train we took a look & went to the Hotel Metropolitano.

Pachuca Mar 14. Tue. Caught 4 of the long tailed Sitomys like those from Tula. 
Some interprising native made away with about 15 of the mouse traps set 

Pachuca. 15
last night. This afternoon set about 40 mouse traps below on the plain. This afternoon clouds began to gather over the hills & a strong wind to blow from that direction about 4:30 the wind increased in violence until a first class sand storm was in progress about dark the wind went down & it began to thunder & rain

Pachuca Mar 15 Wed.
Only a light shower fell last night just enough