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18 Pachuca.

coverts while on tips. dark near base. Chestnut on head slightly parted in middle of forehead by grayish. 

Caught 8 Sitomys of the two kinds taken yesterday this morning. also two female opossums each having nine young in pouch on stomach. Shot 4 lizards & a savanna sparrow & a specimen of Lincoln's sparrow. 

2 Description No. 2. Lincoln's sparrow. Top & back of head rusty with black streaks. rusty of head parted in front by gray streak in middle. hind neck, back, rump, sides, tailcoverts, brownish

Pachuca. 19

gray streaked with black, outer webs of secondaries & tertials tinged with rusty. chin, front neck, upper breast & belly white. white of throat & front neck slightly streaked with black. 

Make a trip up the small valley east of town to look for jumping rats found none only set a few mouse traps. The weather was clear this morning but it clouded up & rained a little this evening. 

Pachuca Mar 17 Fri
3rd Description. Throat, brest, belly,