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22 Pachuca.

golden crowned warbler Spizella atrigularis. 1 D. scalaris. 1 Empidonax.  1 Otocoris. 
Weather still threatening a little rain each evening. Made a trip up the valley east of town across the divide & back to town along the foot of the hills to the right. 
The warbler I shot off a flowering century plant it would fly from one of the large flowers to another.  picking off the insects & now & again flying

Pachuca. 23

into the air as if taking one on the wing like a  flycatcher.

Pachuca Mar 18, 1893 Sat. 
Loaded shells most of the afternoon yesterday. Took the 7 a.m. train on the Tierro carril "Hidalgo" to San Augustín to make a search for jumping rats. I found none. Shot a few birds & saw 3 spermophilus  & a rabbit. From Pachuca, the R.R. skirts the valley & near San Augustín ends across a point of hills