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(42)  Irolo,

Set 28 climax traps for jumping rats last night So as to have a good series in case they should prove to be new. Caught 9 making 31 in all, made skeletons of a pair of them. Caught several mice of the 2 kinds of Sitomys & 1 Mephitis. A native brought in a Callipepla & 1 small Lepus (cottontail)
Have set more meat trap this afternoon & some traps are out for Neotonis  While out hunting the other day Mr N. and I ran 

(43)  Apizaco.

across a man & a boy in a maguey field cutting the still living, fleshy leaves from exhausted plants & peeling & cutting to pulp to juices; When asked what it was for the man said it was for feed for oxen. 

Apizaco, Tlascala [[Tlaxcala]], Apr 4th Tue. 
Caught nothing in meat traps set out last night. My rat traps contained a rabbit caught by the forlegs. I left Irolo about 9 & arrived here about 10 A.M. on the Mexican road. Mr N. took the "Interoceanic"

Transcription Notes:
Apizaco Interoceanic Railway