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(48) Camp at Ran.

& a few oaks. The firs do not begin so low on the slope of this Mt. I think as on Pop. & Ixtac. We reached them & soon left them behind & entered pine again this reaching to timber line. We camped in a cave near timber line where there was water & I set out a set of mouse traps. We rose early the following morning & after a light breakfast began the ascent riding up a trail to the very foot of the Mt. & above the first snow.

Camp at Rancho. (49)

Here we left our horses in charge of a [[mono?]] & with our two guides the guaraches & alpenstocks the real climb began. We ascended a ridge on the south-west slope. Nearly the entire climb was made over porphyry & lava there was very little snow on this part of the Mt. We proceeded very slowly after the first 2000 ft. The work began to tell on Mr. N. & he climbed up only a few feet & would have to stop & rest.  Finally I & one of the guides left him & climbed on up to