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(50) Camp at Ran.

the crater which we reached exactly at 10 A.M. Clouds had meanwhile gathered about the Mt. & when we reached the summit nothing could be seen a part of the time clouds would shut in so that we could only see a few yards. During the climb the peaks of Popocatepetl & Iztaccihuatl could be made out just lifting their snowy summits above the rank of dust which covered the entire country. Mr. N. did not appear for an hour & 

Camp at Rancho. (51)

5 min. during which time the guide busied himself gathering sulphur & I looking at the crater. The crater is about a quarter of a mi. across of oval shape & over 1000 ft. in depth.  Mr N. was pretty well winded & said he felt very shaky when he arrived, we all sat down just inside the edge where we were protected somewhat from the wind which had risen for about 1/2 an hour. small fragments of the pumice containing sulphur were all the while falling from the sides