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of the horse-car line to
this place 30 miles fom [[from]]
Esperanza. We left Esperanza
about 1:43 P.M. travelled
through country similar
to that about Esperanza
for some miles until we
reached a grassy web country
we were descending gradually
all the time & soon
found ourselves in a
country where a singular
kind among others of
cactus grows. They only
attain a hight [[height] of 2 or 2 1/2
ft but grow very thick
probably 15 or so in. in diameter.
Those cover the hills

& give them much the appearance
of country from
which very heavy timber
has been cut leaving the
stumps. The country is
limestone & wild fan
palms began to appear
also mezquites & a number
of other species of trees.
We passed the stations CaƱada-Moulos,
Llano Grande & the
Hacienda del Carmen which
has large quantities of onyx.
The country is limestone all
the way & is generally dry
& barren. Yet in places large
springs flow out of the hills
which afford limited quantities.