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(82) Perote.
composed of lava begin having
many small cliffs which must
afford shelter or rats & other
animals.  The second station
is Virreyes it is also near the
hills. The third station I do
not recall the name of but an
extensive lava bed comes clear
into the place which consists
of a Hda. & a lot of shanties.
This side of there is a high hill
with a sharp peak which we
took for Perote from the Sierra
Malinche. It also has many
cliffs & broken places in the
lava on its sides. Along the
base of these hills grows juniper
on a low bushy cypress. I do not

Perote. (84)
know which & on the tops of some
of them scattered pines. We came
along a nearly level open country
between the hills mentioned &
a similar lot of them on our
right.  In this open country corn,
barley, garbanzo are raised also
magueys part of this plain
is alkali & covered with water
of this season. Back a few
miles from here is a low part of
the plain which is probably at
all seasons of the year a lake.
A good deal of this plain
seems to have a thin shell of
limestone about a foot beneath
the surface. I thought I saw
jumping rat holes a short distance