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(86) Malpais.

containing at least a ton of bat dung, but no bats. The weather has been fine ever since our arrival although stormy just before. Hardly a cloud has appeared. It is very cool with light frosts at night.

Perote. May 23. Mr. N. returned from Jalapa [[Xalapa]] yesterday. The weather is still fine. I went out this forenoon & killed 10 birds. We will leave for the Mt. tomorrow.

Rancho in Malipais about 4 leagues from Perote. June 2d Fri. We went up from Perote toward 

Malpais. (87)

the "Cofre" the weather had been perfectly clear before but on the morning we left P. A fog settled down on the valley or plain & lifting about 10:30. It began to rain on us as we went riding up through the fir timber. It rained in small drops until we reached the "Casa del Novero". I got out some traps for arvicola & 3 for gophers during a lull. Got 9 Arvicolas & a gopher in each trap. We were here until the 27 of May during which time it rained & snowed almost continually. I got out traps for rats but did not get any.

Transcription Notes:
He refers to some type of unknown animal. It likely says "areolas", but it is undetermined.- avicola